The vocational school situated in the city of Bjelovar, the capital of Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska County, that educates students for 3-year and 4-year programs in the field of commerce and trade. With 270 students, diverse in their socio-economic and religious background, the various initiatives like student-led volunteering activities and gender equality projects are being implemented.
In the STC project: further development of supporting students’ voice and initiatives.
The school is situated in the Zagreb County and most of students come from different cities and towns in the area. It offers 10 programs and beside grammar school program, there are vocational training for economic, IT, auto-mechanical, hairdresser, electrician, and other sectors. The students come from different ethnical and religious background as well as many whose families have been displaced in 90-es from war-affected areas like Bosnia and Kosovo.
In the STC project: focusing on supporting student voice and direct work with parents.
The school educates future nurses and technicians within 5-year program. The students come from Zagreb and other cities from Croatia, therefore the students’ background is very diverse. During last two years, the students spend most of the school time doing practice in different hospitals and medical institutions. Students’ initiatives already resulted in the clubs of mediation and volunteering.
In the STC project: continuation on providing opportunities for students to express their voice and start new initiatives.
This vocational training school educates students for three programs in the administration field. It is located in the centre of Zagreb and students have various socio-economic, religious and health background. The students can attend the elective course on human rights and participate in projects like mediation, street law and the project Citizen.
In the STC project: interlinking project activities with existing activities that promote human rights and civic competences.
This schools from Zagreb is the partner school on STC project. It has 728 students attending the school and around 50 students with disabilities are being educated within the specific program. The school was part of the previous STC project and is implementing different projects and activities related to promotion of inclusion, diversity, tolerance and active citizenship. The organized activities like the volunteering and debating club are just some of those.
In the STC project: the continuation of capacity building and potential for networking with schools from Portugal and North Macedonia in topics of volunteering and debating.
The secondary school is located in Albergaria-a-Velha and it has an average of 900 students per year. Albergaria-a-Velha is close to the main roads that connect the entire country, and it is very industrialized creating jobs for many people. It is a community that lives in a very disadvantaged socio-economic context with different cultural, social, economic and citizenship features. Some actions related to diversity, tolerance, volunteering, and active citizenship have been implemented, but not concrete projects.
In the STC project: development of the students’ skills for their active participation in society, in specific projects with impact in the local community.
The vocational school is located in Matosinhos and it has around 400 students with different economic backgrounds. It offers many courses in different areas, such as: commerce, communication and digital service, multimedia, computer science and networks installation and management, and tourism. It has already implemented several projects having won the Young VolunTeam project award, which aims at promoting volunteering among secondary schools across the country.
In the STC project: more involvement of parents and more volunteering activities for the students.
The secondary school is located in Aveiro and it has 1500 students. As for diversity, inclusion and interculturality, the “Citizenship and Development” subject has several projects which are implemented transversally through all classes. The school also has volunteering activities in which around 100 students are involved, e.g. after school, some students stay for longer to support other students with difficulties.
In the STC project: involvement, creation, and promotion of volunteering activities in a consistent manner and scale up what is already done in the school.
The school is based in a rural and industrial area mainly in the areas of moulds, food, and agricultural tools. Its students are very different in terms of social class and economic power (it varies between disadvantaged families and families with some economic power). The school has some actions related to decision-making from students, where they participate voluntarily.
In the STC project: further involvement of students in volunteering, inclusion, equal opportunities and problem-solving projects.
This elementary school is located in S. Bernardo, a rural area in the centre of Portugal. It has around 700 students, some from different nationalities, Roma ethnicity and some with disabilities. It has been particularly involved in Human Rights projects, having been recognized by the Observatory of Human Rights in March 2012. Also, it has been developing, within the scope of the “Citizenship and Development” subject, several projects related to diversity, tolerance, volunteering and active citizenship.
In the STC project: opportunity to provide students with entrepreneurship, initiative and leadership skills, contributing to higher tolerance and active citizenship.
The focus of the educational process in this school with 642 students is on creating the educational model as an example of equal opportunities and access to education for all. Students with impaired hearing and speech are educated in two combined classes as well. Many project activities were carried out in this school during the past 10 years, as for example: “European School Network that promotes student health”, “Interethnic Integration in Education”, “Implementation of resource package for students’ participation in children’s rights”, “Inclusion of children with special needs”, etc. The Student Parliament organizes debates, polls, workshops, eco-actions, outdoor events, beautification of the school space.
In the STC project: Increased participation of the students in making decisions as important for the students’ wellbeing in the school.
About 1.500 students are educated in this vocational school. The school provides education in following professions: Mechanical; Traffic; Textile-leather; Electrical; Forestry and wood processing and Construction geodetic profession. Teaching takes place in classrooms and practical part of the curriculum is realized in the school laboratories as well as in the premises of the business and social partners. Parents are involved in the school activities through the Parents’ Council and provide support in resolving school issues. Based on the identified priorities, important development goals were set in this school, such as: improving the quality of teaching; refining the school climate; establishing a staff professional development system.
In the STC project: Providing wider space to stimulate students’ voices by expressing their views, ideas and opinions.
Students in this school are educated in agricultural and veterinarian profession through the instruction in Macedonian and Albanian language. There is a Zoo in the school yard with 15 species of domestic and wild animals, which is managed by the students for carrying out the practical part of the curriculum. For realization of the practical part, an agricultural crop is grown in the school yard as well. A total of 300 students are educated for various professions: Veterinary medicine technician; Agrotechnician; Phytomedicine technician and Horticulture technician. Teachers and students participated in activities of numerous projects: “New opportunities for social inclusion in rural areas”, “Interethnic Integration in Education Project”; “Youth Ethnic Integration”; “Aquaponics”; “Vertical Gardens”, etc.
In the STC project: Providing more opportunities for students to express their voice and launch new initiatives.
The teaching in this vocational school is in two languages of instruction: Macedonian and Albanian. Total number of the students is 800. They are educated for specializing in two educational profiles in Economic-legal and trade and in Textile-leather profession. Plenty of project activities were implemented, among which: “Safe Schools Project”; “Interethnic Integration in Education”; “Youth Ethnic Integration”; “Volunteer – result”; “Let’s break down barriers”; “Learning through extracurricular activities” within the Erasmus+ program; “European Virtual Companies”; “Think global, entrepreneur local” etc.
In the STC project: Greater motivation and involvement of parents and increasing their interest through participation in the projects’ activities on school and community level.
Most of the students in this school are with Roma ethnic background. The Romani language is an elective subject from grade 3 to 9. The total number of students enrolled this school year is 2011. Teachers and students participate in many project activities, as for example: “Interethnic Integration in Education Project”, “Youth Ethnic Integration”; “Students’ Voice”; ”Children and family in education”; “Inclusion of out of school children”, etc. Teams for supporting the students in their professional orientation and for nonviolent communication have a very active role in this school.
In the STC project: Improvement of students’ skills for promoting human rights, civic competences and for their involvement in specific projects that will have a positive impact on the community life.