START THE CHANGE: Teacher training program in North Macedonia started!

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The large influx of escalation with the COVID-19 virus crisis imposed the need for online implementation of the training program for the five selected project schools’ teams.

During the period from November 18 – 27, 2020 four training sessions were held with 17 participants from 5 project schools on main thematic areas “The Students’ Voice and Initiatives” and “Young people and Interculturality”.

The first thematic area incorporated following topics: Listening to youth voice; Social emotional learning; Youth identity and self-acceptance; Time for Change/Assertiveness; Teaching communication & conflict resolution.

The thematic area “Young people and Interculturality” covered the topics: What does interculturalism mean to me; Intercultural dialogue; Intercultural learning in practice; Intercultural competencies for teaching; Interculturality as part of the curriculum; Criteria for planning and implementing intercultural activities and student activities; Realization of intercultural student activities and etc.

Beside the theoretical part, each session contained practical parts as well, so each thematic area included six workshops for practicing the learning activity or a school project in aim to be utilized in the student activities. The presentations and activities that were promoted during the course were suitable to the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills and competences needed for further activities that will be practiced among the teachers and students. At the end of each training day the trainees were given a task and their results were presented the next training day.

The participants had the opportunity to discuss, perform activities and to exchange their perspectives and experiences relevant to the actual theme. The sessions were interactive and ended with discussions and reflections.

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